Monday, April 11, 2011

Basic Constraints

         For this activity we had to take given shapes and place them in the hole that matches the shape . For example with the cylinder you had to place it in the circular hole. When this was completed we had to take a picture and complete the conclusion questions .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2Oth Century Inventions

In this project we had to pick four inventions of the 2Oth Century . The inventions you chose had to deal with engineering like cars ,or cell phones. Once you have choosen your invention you were required to make a eye catching yet power point including ; a intoduction, a conclusion , proof or research on each invention and conclusion questions. We also recored every website we went to & every single step we took to find our research in our Engineer's Notebook.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Innovation Of TheCup

8For this project you had to team up with a classmate and take the regular plastic cup and make it into something that everyone wanted to get their hands on. First you had to think of ideas in your notebook to make the cup better . Then you make a sketch of your cup in the notebook . Second you get construction paper and write everything that you wrote in your engineers notebook but this time you had to actually color and the cup and add your ideas . Then you take the orignall plastic cup color it add a handle or lid if you like . Last, you go to inventor & make the cup !

Monday, February 7, 2011

Innovation Of . . . .

For completing this project you were requried to pick an invention that you enjoy using or something you find intresting ( Since I Love Fashion , I choseto do my project on fashion magazines) and you had to do research and a detailed ,creative power point about your product. The power point had to include a time line , questions , conclusion questions , a introduction , conclusion,and a lot of pictures of your product as it upgraded throught the years. You also had to record everything you did in your Engineers Notebook.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oblique Sketches

For this project , students were required to draw oblique sketches on graph paper then answer conclusion questions that have to do with the process of doing these sketches . Also students had to shade the object.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

History Of Measurement

For this project we had to answer questions on the history of measurement . These questions needed to be in a descrptive, eye catching power point . The powerpoint had to include the questions , conclusion questions , a introduction & closing . Students  were also asked to make a Cd cover or book cover which had to have all the questions a cover , and a summary of what you basically did . Then you had to record everything you did in your engineers notebook .

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cube Project

 For this project you are building a cube for a company . The cube had some requriements and limitations . First students were asked to think of combinations using 3 , 4 ,5 & 6 cubes but the cube could not contain no more than 3 going up or down . Students also had to color the cubes.Then after making the combinations students had to sketch a cube using their combinations .After making the cube studentshad to take actual cubes and make a full cube according to their combinations and colors . Then students had to make a cube model .After the cube model was made we had to go on inventor and complete a process.Take pictures and complete conclusion questions.